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Summit Revival Services Recap

Summit recently concluded its annual Revival Services, spanning two days of impactful worship, the Word, and community! Kicking off the event, Pastor Tim Dilena called on worship leaders from Times Square Church, Summit, and World Challenge to come to the stage together, leading us in a worship moment that won't be forgotten. Our hearts were ignited with the message that our stories being recast when we make mistakes, but rather, the script of our existence gets rewritten through God's divine intervention.

In an afternoon session with ministry leaders, Pastor Carter Conlon shared moments of his personal testimony, taking the time for questions and inspiring the group gathered with the importance of being led by the Holy Spirit in navigating life's journey.

Pastor David Ham delivered a powerful message centered around the theme of saying "yes" to God's calling and purpose for our lives. Drawing from the biblical narrative of the Tower of Babel, he underscored the significance of yielding to the work of the Holy Spirit for kingdom impact.

Pastor Jay Fallon concluded the Revival Services with an invigorating session focused on the essence of revival and resurrection power. "Revival", he implored, "is being aware of who He is. We need to be aware of His presence in our lives. God revive our capacity to believe!"

You can hear these impactful services in their entirety by visiting Summit International School of Ministry's YouTube channel. God never fails to show up when we set aside this time to seek Him at these annual services. If you were with us in person, thank you for taking the time to worship with us, we pray you were as blessed as we were! If we missed you this time, we look forward to seeing you next year.


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