Summit International School of Ministry is the Bible School of Times Square Church. We exist to train men and women for ministry through a transformative relationship with Jesus Christ. At Summit we define ministry as living for the benefit of others. Our hope is to influence a generation that is inspired to give back, a generation trained, transformed, and equipped to make disciples for Jesus Christ.
acres of
beautiful campus.
of Summit students
receive scholarships.
nations represented in our diverse student body.
college partnerships
for continued education.

Our Mission & Vision
To define and teach ministry as "Living for the Benefit of Others." Ministry is not a title but a lifestyle. When we live for a cause greater than ourselves, we are inspired to grow in our Christian faith. The challenge to live for the benefit of others is taught through the lens of the following principles:

We believe God sets people Spiritually Free. When the word of God is faithfully taught under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, people are liberated to live the life God has for them.
“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”
– John 8:32
We seek to become Entirely Useful to the cause of Christ and His church. By cultivating a servant’s heart first, we can in turn develop our God-given gifts and talents to be used for the glory of God and the souls of men and women.

We understand we are part of a Spiritual Army. We are called and commissioned to stand for Christ. We do this through a lifestyle of following Him and daily living the beauty of a prayer-led life.
Ministry is learning to live for the benefit of others.
We have seen the power of this truth Transform lives.
Ministry is not a title, but a lifestyle.
Dr. Teresa Conlon, President (DD h.c.)

The Summit Difference

Our campus is smartphone free.
We call it being unplugged.
We are constantly bombarded by messages from social media, the news, other people, sometimes even our own hearts, telling us who we should be, what we are worth, and how we should think.
In the midst of this, God desires to speak truth. Setting aside smartphones, social media and the pressure of romantic relationships turns down the internal noise and creates space for you to focus on things that matter most.
Summit is fully-immersive, meaning we are not a typical “Monday to Friday” school. You will spend most of your time on campus, with the exception of things like ministry outings, missions trips or getaway weekends. The friendships that are built in this unique atmosphere are something students carry with them for a lifetime.
At Summit we emphasize knowing God, not just learning about Him.
As we spend time in prayer, worship and the Word, we recognize that transformation comes through the presence of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. During chapels, devotional times, pause week and times of prayer, we give space to let God do what only He can do. There is a transformative change that happens when what we learn about Jesus in the classroom becomes real in our everyday lives.

Small School. Big Impact.
Our small size gives individuals access to faculty and staff, and it is not uncommon for us to know each other personally. We encourage and foster individual teaching and mentorship moments inside and outside of the classroom.
We are invested in your spiritual, academic and future success. Because we know students personally, we are able to offer personalized references or recommendations for post-graduate ministry, internship, or job opportunities specifically curated to your unique talents. All around the world, Summit graduates are making an impact for Jesus in their careers and communities.