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Wishing You a Merry Christmas From Summit

As the fall semester draws to a close, we find ourselves pausing to reflect on all that God has done. It's been a season filled with growth, laughter, learning, and, above all, God's goodness. Together, we have encountered His truth in new ways, been shaped by His Word, and walked through moments that brought us closer to Him.

This Christmas season, we celebrate the One who came into our world to save and restore us. Isaiah foretold this beautiful promise: “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). This miracle was the beginning of God's fulfillment of His promise to bring salvation to all, and we rejoice together in this incredible Christmas story!

As students and staff, we have seen firsthand this year how Christ meets us individually, wherever we are, with His unfailing love. The gospel is not just something we study—it's the reality we live by and the truth we cling to. This semester, our students have grown not only in knowledge but in the transforming love of Christ, learning what it means to serve and to be an army equipped with light to the world around us.

We thank each of you—our TSC family, friends, and supporters—for walking alongside us in prayer and encouragement. Your partnership makes what we do possible, and we look forward with anticipation to the work God will continue in the year ahead.

From all of us here at Summit, we wish you a very Merry Christmas! May the joy of Christ be with each of you in a special way, and we look forward to being with you in 2025.


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