In January 2022, Summit welcomes Dr. Dan Sheard as a member of Summit’s Faculty and Chair of Curriculum Development. In the Spring 2022, he will begin teaching intro to Biblical Preaching and Biblical Application.

In his own words Dr. Sheard says, “During my formative years, I was influenced greatly by my godly parents, a bi-vocational pastor, and the passionate leadership of the Long Island chapter of Youth for Christ. My engineer father learned Hebrew in a Jewish synagogue and gave me a love the biblical languages at a young age. Along with my wife, Sue, and our four children, we have served a number of churches and ministries both in the United States and abroad in the French world. I have been teaching in universities for about 35 years, and my areas of specialty are Bible, preaching, apologetics, and missions. I am a graduate of Taylor University (BA), Regent College, Vancouver (MCS), Dallas Seminary (Th.M), and Spurgeon's College, London (Ph.D). When I am not with students, I love to garden, do carpentry, play golf and tennis, and do some boating on the side.”
A vast depth of knowledge on Biblical teaching and application, Dr. Sheard remains humble and unpretentious; his simple devotion to the Lord continues to mark his teaching style and walk with Jesus. When speaking about his leadership philosophy, he continues, “It is still my deep desire to have a healthy and uncomplicated relationship with Christ. Out of this love for God grows a communication philosophy that is based in an engaging love for people. Life is about people, and ultimately the gospel involves bringing about an encounter of people with their God through the blood of Jesus Christ. My leadership philosophy grows out of this idea of personal communion. When leaders do not meet with God, human structures around which they build Christian organizations become guided by a system of activity and often lack spiritual power. It is my conviction that leadership and ministry are a byproduct of personal connection with God, not just a drive to gather people under an organizational banner, however important that may be.”
If you are interested in hearing and interacting with Dr. Sheard, registration for his Online Enrichment Course, “Armed with Iron” is now open for registration at
We are thrilled to have Dr. Dan Sheard join the Summit family and we can’t wait to hear more from him!