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Student Highlight: Jamila's Journey to Summit

When I moved to the UK from Cameroon In 2012 I only spoke French. I began attending a local college to learn English. I met a girl there who was a Christian. I was Muslim so at first I was skeptical of her, but she kept speaking to me about Christ and she was a woman of prayer. I had a dream where I saw the face of Jesus and I knew it was the truth.

When my family would pray in the hijab, I would be praying to Christ in secret. I had a Bible that nobody could know about. I knew that if I wanted to follow Christ I would have to leave home.

I left my home with no support and no income. I stayed at women’s refuge for some time in London. I was newly converted to Christianity and didn’t know where to begin. I started to study the 10 commandments. One day on YouTube I saw an older video of David Wilkerson preaching. I started watching his preaching online. I learned about

repentance and sin and reading the Bible. Videos of Pastor Carter started to pop up on my YouTube page, so I started listening to him as well.

In 2017, I saw Pastor Teresa Conlon preaching at Times Square Church. I had never seen a woman speak. I didn’t know women could preach and have such authority. My heart was moved. I got on my knees in my room and prayed, “God can you make me a woman like her?”

I was accepted to law school to study international human rights. I wanted to become an advocate for women and children who experienced the same things I did as a child. Because of lockdown I had to study online. I was isolated and living by myself. It was a very difficult time, and because of the language barrier, online classes were too challenging, and I didn’t think I could continue. I began praying and crying to God to help me. I asked him to show me what to do next.

I went online and I saw that Times Square Church was live. I had no idea they had live services! I watched and Pastor Tim Dilena spoke about connect groups so I joined a group. In the group we started talking about Summit and something started burning in my heart. The people in my group started praying with me about Summit. They encouraged me to apply. I wanted to go but I had no idea how I would pay to go. That night, I had another dream that I was at TSC and Pastor Carter came to me and said, “Your room is waiting at Summit”.

I got an email from Summit after I applied saying that I was going to receive a scholarship from Times Square Church. The people in my connect group would tell me, “Do you know what faith means?” That was the first time I learned about faith.

My sister who was Muslim also started watching TSC and joined a connect group. She is 21 and gave her heart to the Lord, knowing that she will face the same hardships for her conversion that I have. One day she told me, “God is fighting for you.” My little sister, she has so much wisdom already.

I don’t know why I’m here. But I know God brought me here miraculously. I am not sure what comes next, but he has given me so much faith to believe Him.


Unknown member
Dec 10, 2021

I was so moved by your testimony my dearest sister in Christ. May God be with you and bless you with more wisdom and understanding of his words. (Amen)


Unknown member
Nov 15, 2021

Nice to hear about your sister! <3


Unknown member
Nov 15, 2021

Aww Jamila, we love you!! 😍

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