It is with heavy hearts we announce the loss of our brother, pastor, teacher, and friend, William Carrol. Pastor William went home to be with Jesus on Wednesday, January 27, 2021.
“Pastor Will”, as he was known to students, was the Chair of Curriculum Development at Summit, as well as a member of our faculty, teaching courses on Systematic Theology, New Testament Survey, Harmony of Bible Doctrines I &II, as well as an elective called Defending the Faith. He held a degree in Bible, an MA in Philosophy of Religion, and was pursuing an MA in Divinity. He was awarded several distinguished memberships, including the Delta Epsilon Chi and Sigma Chi Pi Honor Societies.
Having had the honor of William Carrol teach at Summit can never be overstated. There are few people who can genuinely be called a genius; but he, without hesitation, fit that description. His in-depth understanding of scripture, grasp of apologetics, and ability to communicate complex subjects in a simple manner was second to none. Students often waited after class, saving their most complicated theological questions for him; and he, always with a gentle smile, would speak truth to their questions layer by layer, gently and effectively unraveling the mysteries of scripture until all that remained was the simple truth of Christ.
His brilliance, however, came second to his humility and humanity. He loved people. Often, he and his wife Tressy would invite students and alumni to stop by their home for a cup of tea and a chat. The day after his passing, students gathered informally in the chapel to pray and share memories of Pastor Will’s impact on their lives. One student described his “unmatched grace for those around him.” Another said, “He always told us, ‘You can change the world’, and we believed him.” Another spoke about him like a father, telling the story of how he called to check in on him when he was sick. One by one, they spoke of his patience, his encouragement, his love. No matter who you are, if you knew him, you knew he was in your corner. And so, as one student shared so poignantly, “Let us continue with our faces toward heaven, let us live up to our greater potential, changing more and more to the image of Christ.” In his honor, let us endeavor to live like he did, for the benefit of others.
Saturday, February 6
3:00 PM
Even with COVID restrictions and health protocols in place we do not want our Summit family and others to miss this time of honoring Pastor William and we encourage everyone to join us online.
In lieu of flowers, and for those who have asked how they can bless the Carrol family, several gift options are available:
Funds will be used to bless Pastor William’s wife and daughter.
Funds will be set in a college fund for Pastor William’s daughter.
Funds will be used to scholarship an incoming Summit student in honor of Pastor William.
· Under “Fund” select “Scholarship Fund”
· In the Memo line, write “William Carrol Scholarship Fund”
