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A Note To Our TSC Family

We want to take a moment to tell you something.

Several months ago, we watched as Times Square Church, for the first time in 33 years, was forced to close its doors to the public due to the pandemic. And we prayed. We prayed for the congregation; for your homes, your families, your grandparents, your children. We prayed for Pastor Tim in his new role as Senior Pastor at such an unprecedented time. We prayed for the presence of God to be in each online service and event; for His transforming power to transcend physical distance.

In spite of every challenge, we saw people on social media watching church and raising their hands to accept Jesus. We saw TSC campuses adapt and find new ways of connecting. We saw music videos from the worship team. We saw online youth events and kids being encouraged. We watched the Tuesday night online prayer meeting continue to grow. We read your comments under our Summit Sessions video posts, encouraging us along the way. We have witnessed an unshakable love for people from both the TSC staff and congregation. And again, we prayed. We thanked the Lord that in spite of present circumstance He continues to move in powerful ways. And you, our beloved TSC family, are part of that testimony.

This fall, as we resume on-campus classes and activities for the fall semester, we understand that this year will be different. There will be excitement and there will be challenges. As we look to the future, we have been encouraged by the path you have carved ahead of us. You have been led by prayer. And so, we follow suit. As we adapt classrooms and campus life for social distancing, we know that we face a school year like none other. And that’s ok. We lean in and move forward with anticipation. God is going to do amazing things this year.

Thank you for your example. We are proud to be your Bible school.


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