We are excited to invite you to join us for Summit International School of Ministry's annual Revival Services, happening February 22-23 both online and in-person on Summit’s campus.
Revival Services are a cornerstone event for our students and community, and we are excited to spend time in the Word and the presence of God during this special time together.
Thursday, February 22
10 AM, Opening Service
2 PM, Worship & Prayer (Led by the students of Summit)
6:30 PM, Evening Service
Friday, February 23
10 AM, Morning Service
2 PM, Worship & Prayer (Led by the staff of Summit)
6:30 PM, Closing Service
This year we are joined by:
Carter Conlon, General Overseer of Times Square Church
Pastor Tim Dilena, Senior Pastor of Times Square Church
Pastor Jay Fallon, Former Director of Teen Challenge UK
Dr. Teresa Conlon, President of Summit International School of Ministry
Pastor David Ham, Senior Pastor of Soul Cry Church
We look forward to hearing what God has placed on their hearts to share with us this season.
Is registration required?
No, these are open services, just come and enjoy. There is no cost.
Can I watch the services online?
Yes! You can join us live for the four services on Summit's YouTube channel.
Can I come to just one service?
Yes! You can come to as many or as few services as you'd like.
Can I have a tour of the Summit campus?
Absolutely! Please just email admissions@summitpa.org in advance and let us know you're coming and we'd be happy to arrange a time to show you around.
Will there be meals provided?
Yes! There will be a meal available for purchase Thursday and Friday at 5PM on campus. And there are lots of great restaurants in Hershey, PA a short 15-minute drive away. There will be plenty of time between services to grab lunch and dinner.
Where can I stay?
There are a few great hotels within a 10-minute drive of the Summit campus. You can find them and book a room by clicking the button below.