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The Worldwide Prayer Meeting at Yale University

Every school year Summit has a spiritual theme, and this year’s theme has been called, “The Year of Signs and Wonders”. Throughout the fall and spring semesters, the Lord has been placing a burden on our hearts for high school and college-aged young people across our nation.

In early 2023 we were contacted by the director of Christian Union Lux, a campus ministry at Yale University, asking if Times Square Church and Summit would be willing to join with them to host TSC’s Worldwide Prayer Meeting on Yale’s campus. They too had been praying for college students across our nation, and more specifically, praying that God would pour out His spirit on the students at Yale. Luke Bell, Han Choi, and several other students at Yale who are helping coordinate the prayer meeting on April 19 sent out the following note:

It’s undeniable that there seems to be something going on recently. God is moving. Yes, He is always moving and working, more than we can ever think or imagine and see — but He is doing something special right now, in this moment. Not just at Yale, but across our nation as well. It’s not to say that single moments are all that matter, as in hype —but timing matters. God is a God of seasons, and He’s also a God of moments. His Word reveals that moments are special—they mean a lot to Him, and a single moment, a flashpoint, can change everything.
There has been something special going on in our campus. We as a student body have been crying out day and night— for our friends, our suitemates, peers, professors, our campus, city, and world. Whether it be in our silent devotional times with Jesus, in our walks to and from class, in the prayer meetings with our campus ministries, at 6:00 am and 10:00 pm every weekday at WLH, God has been listening to us. He has certainly not overlooked nor forgotten our prayers. More than any of us, He desires to pour out His Holy Spirit on our campus. He desires to genuinely encounter and save every single soul on our campus and city. When God’s people continually cry out for Him to supernaturally intervene, it’s only a matter of time before He actually does.
Our one goal and vision is this: We want to see Jesus lifted high. We want to see Him glorified, and our prayer is that every single person at Yale will meet Jesus — to genuinely encounter the living God and come to know the incomprehensible love that He has for all of us.

And so, on Wednesday, April 19, Summit students will travel from Pennsylvania to Connecticut and join the students at Yale to host a night of prayer and worship outside the residence halls of Old Campus. Pastor Carter Conlon, our General Overseer at TSC, has been invited to speak with students who gather; and, in an unprecedented move, Yale has now opened its campus to the public to attend this event. If you are interested in attending in person, the link below will take you to the Yale Christian Union page where you can register.

We truly believe that students around the world are the sign and the wonder this generation will see in the coming days. They have been called for such a time as this. God is doing something miraculous on college campuses and we are honored to be witnesses of His goodness.


TSC is also providing transportation to and from the event via buses for $25 per person. The buses will leave TSC NYC at 2 pm ET and plan to leave Yale by 9 pm ET. Space is limited! If you’d like a ride on the bus, please submit payment below. If you plan on taking the bus from NYC, you need to also register for the event.


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